Vehicle Safety
As a Fors gold operator you can have confidence in the knowledge that Harlex put the safety of our vehicles and those that come in contact with them at the forefront of everything we do.
With all vehicles having the latest safety features including side underrun bars, side scanners, audible left-turn warning, camera system and safety window in the offside door we exceed the requirements for TFL’S direct vision standards.
Having invested heavily in a new state of the art 3 bay workshop installed with all the latest equipment including brake testers and diagnostics machines our in house technicians ensure our vehicles are maintained to the highest of standards, daily maintenance is undertaken as reported on the driver defect sheets as well as 6 weekly inspections in line with Department for Transport requirement’s ensuring we continue to offer our customer safe reliable vehicles.
With large investment made in vehicle safety, we also ensure those operating them are trained to the highest of standards, all our drivers hold CPC cards as well as having undertaken the safe urban driver course and undergoing medicals on a twice yearly basis, this gives us confidence that when our vehicles are on the road they are being driven in a safe and courteous manor by fit and healthy drivers.